Sunday, August 26, 2018

Shape Up Sandi Show Opener Beta Preview

Shape Up Sandi Show Opener Beta Preview Shape Up Sandi update... Working on the new opener, so instead of doing a live today, I thought I would share it with you. I'd love to hear your thoughts.... It's been a crazy emotional journey putting myself out there with the crowdfunding campaign. To be honest I hate asking people for money, and you know me, I'm so insecure that my emotions rise and fall with every donation or hour without donations, whichever the case may be. I've never been at the same time both so sure of myself, and so insecure. I KNOW that this is what I'm meant to do and that it can help so many people, but at the same time I'm filled with self-doubt and questions of my worthiness. Anyway, if you haven't already contributed, please do. Today. The goal right now is to get so many contributors that Indiegogo will put me up as a trending campaign and promote the show to people who have never heard of me yet. That's how you make a movement. In the meantime, I need as many backers as I can get, so while you might think $10 is nothing, it makes a huge difference. LIke Gigantical. So please go over to Indiegogo right now and do a search for Shape Up Sandi and contribute to my campagin. (Don't get me wrong, if you want to contribute $10K that's ok too! ;-) ) So here are the shout outs for day 7.... I'm not going to tag anyone, just in case they don't want it on their wall, but if you want to be tagged, let me know and I'm more than happy to!! Special thanks today go to..... David Harrington, Lior Dubnov, Gowri Rocco, Lisa Barr, Jill Fleming, and Anonymous 1, Anonymous 2, and Anonymous 3. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! You have brought me so much joy and confidence, each and every one of you. Now, for you, yes, you the one reading this right now, commit to doing something this week that takes you out of your comfort zone. Well, actually, first go over to Indiegogo and contribute to my campaign, and then commit to doing something this week that you have never done, or that scares you. Just something different. And then come over to my Shape Up Sandi Facebook group and tell me about it. :-) xoxoxo Sandi Sandi Balloon

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