Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Aerial Yoga ~ Shape Up Sandi Episode #2

Aerial Yoga ~ Shape Up Sandi Episode #2 https://youtu.be/_-9LiBspORc #AerialYoga #TransformationJourney #SingleMom #Fitness https://ift.tt/2MC7V6Y ~ While Sandi bumbles her way through trying to learn how to adopt a healthy lifestyle, various experts step up along the way to help. In this episode, Aerial Yoga expert Tammuz Dubnov teaches Sandi how to flip through the air, getting healthy along the way. Not sure what aerial yoga is? Tune in to find out! ;~) Join the movement of positivity and joy! Join the Shape Up Sandi Facebook group for challenges, discussions, recipes and more! https://ift.tt/2pf0XHG Shape Up Sandi is a light-hearted, humorous transformation journey featuring Sandi as she bumbles her way into adopting a healthy lifestyle. Along the way she tries out different physical activities (with mixed results), cooking lessons from top healthy lifestyle chefs, interviews beauty & style experts, and gets advice from mindset/ motivation experts. This heartwarming show reminds us that the journey is more important than the end goal and that life happens while you’re making other plans. #ShapeUpSandi Sandi Masori

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