Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Detox Fresh Guacamole ~ Shape Up Sandi Episode #1

Detox Fresh Guacamole ~ Shape Up Sandi Episode #1 https://youtu.be/4PuiVVxYwa0 https://ift.tt/2pf0XHG ~ While Sandi bumbles here way through trying to learn how to adopt a healthy lifestyle, various experts step up along the way to help. In this episode, celebrity weight loss coach Maru Davila teaches Sandi how to make a super yummy and extra healthy guacamole. This guacamole is not only zesty and the tastiest ever, it's also a secret weapon in detoxing and fighting sickness! To learn more about Maru, check out her website https://ift.tt/2pksYO1 Join the movement of positivity and joy! Join the Shape Up Sandi Facebook group for challenges, discussions, recipes and more! https://ift.tt/2pf0XHG Shape Up Sandi is a light-hearted, humorous transformation journey featuring Sandi as she bumbles her way into adopting a healthy lifestyle. Along the way she tries out different physical activities (with mixed results), cooking lessons from top healthy lifestyle chefs, interviews beauty & style experts, and gets advice from mindset/ motivation experts. This heartwarming show reminds us that the journey is more important than the end goal and that life happens while you’re making other plans. Sandi Masori

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